在西亚古苏美尔语中,铁被叫做“安巴尔”,意思是“天降之火”(陨石)。古埃及人把铁叫做“天石”。 在古人类发现铁时,由于其坚硬的特性,被命名为 Iron(“铁”),该词源于拉丁语,意为“坚固”、“刚强”的意思。 铁的元素符号“Fe”,源自拉丁文“Ferrum”,意指“铁”,系该词的 缩写。Titan, from Gk. Titan, member of a mythological race of giants who attempted to scale heaven by piling Mount Pelion on Mount Ossa but were overthrown by Zeus and the gods. They descended from Titan, elder brother of Kronos. Perhaps from tito "sun, day," which is probably a loan-word from a language of Asia Minor. Sense of "person or thing of enormous size" first recorded 1828. Applied to planet Saturn's largest satellite in 1868; it was discovered 1655 by Dutch Christiaan Huygens, who named it Saturni Luna "moon of Saturn."

Titan, from Gk. Titan, member of a mythological race of giants who attempted to scale heaven by piling Mount Pelion on Mount Ossa but were overthrown by Zeus and the gods. They descended from Titan, elder brother of Kronos. Perhaps from tito "sun, day," which is probably a loan-word from a language of Asia Minor. Sense of "person or thing of enormous size" first recorded 1828. Applied to planet Saturn's largest satellite in 1868; it was discovered 1655 by Dutch Christiaan Huygens, who named it Saturni Luna "moon of Saturn."